I'm wanting to teach my daughter on how to use her potty and want some fun ways on how to teach her or to make her happy to learn how. she has used it a few times but not sure if she understood it then. She is almost 18 mos. in a few days and want to keep her going on the idea . When she is on her potty she wants to hang on to a toy or my hair brush it seems to keep her on the potty but not sure if thats a good idea. any info would help Thank you.
Is there free information on the internet on how to potty train?
loads of it sweetie
heres a link to loads of sites on it
this is from pampers on potty training
the aap.org
the third one on this link is the signs and stuff
good luck
Is there free information on the internet on how to potty train?
or just do what i did..google potty training :)
then pick what sites you want!
Is there free information on the internet on how to potty train?
goto your public library, they have books, vhs, and cd's on the subject that are very helpful, the potty project is a really good one , i have five children and started at one and by 18 months they were trained good luck
Is there free information on the internet on how to potty train?
I'm sure there is a ton of information on the internet under potty training. Have you tried to google it?
I have boys so my experience is a little different but from what I've learned, encourage but don't pressure her. Praise her for going on the potty but don't expect too much. Girls will usually start on the potty much sooner than boys - my friend's daughter started at about 2 yrs. old but still wears Pull Ups. You may want to start using Pull Ups too as they can be a great tool - she may feel like a "big girl" and it may help in teaching her to go in the potty more often. If you want to try it, though, you have to commit - no going back to diapers.
Hope this helps and the best of luck!
Is there free information on the internet on how to potty train?
The website bellow answered a lot of questions for me..check it out. Good Luck!
Is there free information on the internet on how to potty train?
What worked for my daughter and my son is The Potty Stool http://www.thepottystool.com I started by just setting it at the toilet. My kids immediately climbed up on this stool and discovered that they could safely and securely use the toilet. This got them very interested in using the toilet and they were potty trained very quickly. Kids like to use what they know mommy and daddy use. And it really is wonderful having your kids independently use the toilet on their own. The handles make all the difference --both felt comfortable and were relaxed enough to have easy bowel movements.
I like that I don't have to double the steps of potty training by training them first in a potty and then training them to stop using a potty. And not dumping and cleaning a potty each time is great. The best thing is that kids use it for years. I hope this helps you
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