Saturday, November 28, 2009

Does anyone have a home made quick for cleaning silver? remedy?

I want to clean my old silver hair brush any ideas on a quick home solution?

Does anyone have a home made quick for cleaning silver? remedy?

Aluminum Foil and Hot water is the best way with one little addendum, add Salt.

Get a container big enogh for your silver object, Fill it with boiling water and add enogh salt so that there are still a few grains left in the bottom once you have stirred it. Add little bits of Al Foil to the NaCl laden H2O, and add your silver. Let it sit for 1-5 minutes depending on the level of tarnish, then remove the Ag from the H2O and wipe dry. If there is remaining Tarnish, place it back in the solution for a little longer.

Tarnish on silver is actually caused by sulfur, not Oxygen. To prevent tarnish keep Ag away from S. The way this treatment works is that the Al draws the S from the Ag, and the Na provides a conduit that allows the reaction to work faster.

Ag= Silver

S= Sulfur

H2O= Water

Al = Aluminum

NaCl= Salt

Na = Sodium

Does anyone have a home made quick for cleaning silver? remedy?

Toothpaste works great at polishing silver.

Does anyone have a home made quick for cleaning silver? remedy?

Place aluminum foil in you kitchen sink, fill with very hot water,(about half way) place your silver hair brush in and wait about 10/20 mins.

Does anyone have a home made quick for cleaning silver? remedy?

catsup and a soft cotton rag works real well

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