My shih tzu is has kind of long furry (not hanging but shes a poof), and we never knew we had to brush her b/c we shaved her a lot but we finally let it grow out and now she has all these BAD hair mats everywhere in her fur, i mean the shaver wont go through them so if we cut them all off she will look like she got in a fight with scissors...does anyone have this problem and how to find a better way to get rid of them? thanks
Shih tzu hair problems...?
you let her hair go too long before trimming her, you didn't know you had to brush a dog with long hair? I think you need to take the dog to a groomer and start over this time ask someone how to keep your dog brushed, buy a dog brush. Keep her hair cut in a puppy cut
Shih tzu hair problems...?
what is a sh*t u?
Shih tzu hair problems...?
A Shih Tzu is a high maintenance dog. They need to be brush and face wash every day. My advice for you would be to take her to a groomer have her shaved down. Then you MUST brush her every day if you want to have her hair long. If not then you have to keep her shave. Get her shaved soon . Mats in her hair is not doing her any good.
Shih tzu hair problems...?
Shih Tzu's need a lot of grooming and brushing. I have 2 Tzu's and one has a very thick fluffy coat, the others coat is thinner. Ironically, the thinner coat dog gets more tangles and mats than the fluffier one! If you don't take them to the groomer often enough or get them shaved, mats form very easily. Pick a quiet time, and make it a routine with your dog to brush her. I usually do it just before bedtime when they are both tired. She may not like it at first, but once you begin to do it every evening (or whenever you have decided to brush her) she will get used to the routine and learn to enjoy it. Make it an enjoyable experience. If you come across mats, gently cut them out. Put your fingers between the skin and the tangle, and cut just the tangle out. There are groomer's sissors you can get to do this. Don't try to detangle them, it will pull and hurt, just cut them out. The more often you brush her, the less tangles and matting she will get. There is a de-tangler rinse or spray you can use, but it doesn't work with really big matting and tangles
I brush my dogs every evening for about 10 minutes. Sometimes I get tangles, sometimes I don't. I usually pick a part of the dog and concentrate on that area, and give a quick once over on the rest of the body. The next night I pick a different area to work on, and quickly go over the rest of the dog. It doesn't take long to find the areas that are prone to tangles, and you can concentrate your efforts on those areas, and lightly go over the rest of your dog. Chin, ears under legs and the tail area are usually where they get tangled the most. But as I said, the more YOU brush your dog, the less the tangles and trips to the groomer.
Even a puppy cut gets tangles. If you don't want the mats and tangles, keep her short.
Shih tzu hair problems...?
You"never knew you had to BRUSH HER"?????
You never comb YOUR hair???
A coated breed MUST BE *COMBED* THROUGH ***DAILY***!!!!
Buzz it down AGAIN-AT A PROFESSIONAL GROOMERS-%26amp; start all over again.
You never "get rid of" mats-you DON'T allow them to START!
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